Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chaos vs Nids

Damn, I was dragged out yesterday to play warhammer and drink. I didn't play but I got to watch Rowen's chaos vs Sam's nids at 2k points. Five objectives and pitched battle.

Sam had:

2 primes with lash whip and bonesword

2 zoanthropes
3 hiveguard
2 venomthropes

big unit of hormies x3
big unit of termies

big unit of gargoyles

tyrannofex x2

Rowen had:

2x nurgle warptime princes

2x dreads with CC weapons

4x rhino with 5 plague marines and 2 plasma guns each, rhinos have combi plasma (yes, rowen did tailor his list to play Sam)

3x3 obliterators

I'm not going to do a battle report because well.. I was quite drunk by the time the game finished, lol, but I do remember a few mistakes they both made. (note, though they were both drinking they hadn't drank much at all before the game and they weren't drinking during).

Rowen deployed -all- of his obliterators bunched up in a crater on his left. This closed off their range to one side of Sam's army, it also prevented him from supporting all three of the objectives on his own side of the board. Some hormies, termies and spawned termies were able to be used to hold up the obliterators in CC. Though the obliterators smashed them, twice it took them more than one round to smash a unit, meaning Rowen lost alot of firepower from them being held up in CC.

Sam's hive guard spent the battle behind trees shooting at the dreads where possible, then some obliterators at the end. The one turn a dread could make it into CC to hold off some gaunts (that managed to survive then hold up some obliterators..) Rowen had forgotten to move, leaving him out of assault range.

Rowen had also forgotten at one point to charge a demon prince into CC. Both demon princes died to toxin sac hormies. The same unit actually, one was charged alone by them, then the other charged off into another unit of 5-6 hormies and prime. It managed to kill the prime but in Sam's next turn it ate a charge from the first unit. Ouch.

At one point 4 of Rowen's plague marines were about to be charged by both the tervigon and a tyrannofex. Rowen's shooting at them consisted of an obliterator unit at the unwounded tervigon and the 4 plague marines with two plasma guns at the tyrannofex. That was a mistake, if you're going to shoot something, focus firepower! Though he only did two and one wounds, it was still possible to down either in one turn if he -focused-.

Hm.. let's see, Sam's list though it wasn't optimized (in my opinion) did well because Sam is a good general. Rowen with his chaos had a decent (spam) list that seems clumsy to me, that he knows how to use properly when he's getting games in with it.

Rowen's army will certainly have trouble with nids at range. Plasma cannon spam from obliterators didn't prove too effective against the horde.

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